By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Dianne Wilkerson, then and now

Some years back, the Boston Herald’s Joe Sciacca and I were standing on the arena floor at the Democratic State Convention, which was to be held the next day. It was a Friday night, a little after 9 p.m. I think it was in 1994*, and I can’t remember whether it was in Lowell, Worcester or Springfield.

As we were talking, state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, D-Roxbury, sauntered by. Sciacca and I looked at each other. At the time, Wilkerson was under partial home detention for not paying her taxes or some damn thing, and — if I’m recalling the details correctly — she had a 9 p.m. curfew.

Sciacca went tearing off to the press area. As it turned out, there was no news — he found out that Wilkerson’s punishment had just come to an end, and so there was no curfew for her to violate.

No more than a funny little anecdote on a day when Wilkerson’s political career has come to a final, sickening end.

Her arrest comes during a week when the Phoenix’s David Bernstein is reporting still more wrongdoing on her part. And at Universal Hub, Adam Gaffin explains how Wilkerson unwittingly drew the Boston City Council and Boston Globe columnist Adrian Walker into her orbit.

Wilkerson’s once-bright promise flamed out many years ago. It’s amazing she lasted as long as she did.

*Update: After reading the Wednesday coverage, I now think it was 1998.

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  1. mike_b1

    Goodbye, and good riddance.

  2. Ryan

    There’s a special level in hell for these kind of pathetic “public servants”From one progressive, to a fake one, Good Riddance.

  3. mike_b1

    Dan, if you’re watching, check out the goings-on at the Christian Science Monitor.

  4. Ani

    What does it mean that Wilkerson didn’t realize she was being stung?

  5. Vox

    The Duke of Bourbon said it best: “Shame and eternal shame. Nothing but shame!”

  6. Prospecticus

    You had to know it wasn’t going to end well, and it didn’t. But I don’t think I could be gamed like this. It’s one thing to be on the take, it’s another to be this stupid. I wish her well, as in I hope she’s physically and mentally ok.

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