Little Russ and me

My column in the Guardian is a finalist in the Syracuse University Mirror Awards for media commentary. I’m up against David Carr (last year’s winner) and Joe Nocera, both of the New York Times, Rob Owen of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Clive Thompson of Wired (also a winner last year). And yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch, in New York City on June 23.

Tim Russert will receive the Fred Dressler Lifetime Achievement Award. Hmmm … aren’t we almost the same age?

Hillary Clinton’s Bosnia lie

In my latest for the Guardian, I predict a renewed media assault on Hillary Clinton following revelations that she lied — not misspoke — about her 1996 trip to Bosnia.

Shameless update: I just did an interview with ABC radio in Australia about this. When’s the Australian primary, anyway? Also, I’m leading Real Clear Politics at the moment.

Clinton won, but can she win?

In my latest for the Guardian, I ponder what’s next for Hillary Clinton and the media. She had a big day yesterday, and thus she can claim some momentum as well. But given that Barack Obama’s delegate lead appears to be insurmountable, where does she go from here? And how will the media redefine the narrative?

Obama’s media moment

In my latest for the Guardian, I argue that the media, looking for a reason to make up for their brutal coverage of Hillary Clinton, are about to turn on Barack Obama. Although maybe not. Obama’s somewhat-better-than-expected margin in Wisconsin, combined with Clinton’s graceless “concession” speech, may forestall his inevitable turn in the interrogation room.