By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Credit where it’s due

Looks like noticed the Wall Street Journal’s overly cavalier borrowing of’s “The Big Picture” last Friday, beating Media Nation to the punch by three days. And now, photocolumn notes, the Journal’s version is gone. Wonder what happened?

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Maybe he meant the other confederacy


  1. O-FISH-L

    So Dan, are you guilty of “thievery” from, imitating them without initially crediting them, a full three days after they posted something?As Gomer told Barney on the December 16, 1963 episode of the “Andy Griffith Show,” “Citizen’s arrest, citizen’s arrest!”

  2. Marc Larocque

    LA Times has had a Big Picture, too, but its about the Hollywood entertainment industry.

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Yes. “The Big Picture” is not exactly a new name. What distinguished the WSJ was that it used the same name as the Globe for the same thing. But they’ve changed the name, it’s a good idea, so what the heck.

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