By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Wrong on the National Press Club

Josh Marshall passes along a Daily Kos item criticizing the National Press Club for providing a platform to an Obama critic from the lunatic fringe. The Kos piece — by Markos himself — urges readers to sign a petition asking the press club to disinvite the wingnut in question, someone named Larry Sinclair.

In fact, the National Press Club is merely renting space to a group called Veritas Federal Media, which is sponsoring the news conference. Click here and scroll down to June 18. You’ll see this: “This event is not affiliated with the National Press Club or the Eric Friedheim Library.” (The library is part of the press club.)

That said, the press club could certainly do a better job on its home page, where you’ll find a plug that looks very much like an official notice saying: “Larry reveals the truth about Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.”

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  1. Anonymous

    Do you know if this guy was convicted after his arrest for theft and forgery?I think it’s definitely worth investigating.

  2. Anonymous

    To answer your question, Sinclair is a fugitive. There’s still an outstanding warrant pertaining to those charges, which prevent him from returning to Colorado. He has a pretty extensive criminal record, however, and is a convicted felon who has done jail time.

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