By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Beating the press

I’m on “Beat the Press” this week. Among other things, we’ll be talking about the Mayhill Fowler story. The show will be broadcast tomorrow at 7 p.m. on WGBH-TV (Channel 2).

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Wrong on the National Press Club


  1. Anonymous

    Has anyone else figured out that there are two serial rapists operating in the Boston Area. One has raped at least two women in the Faneuil Hall area. He somehow convinces these women to get into his car and then takes them to a deserted areas. The other rapist is operating in Cambridge, around Harvard. This guy is grabbing women from behind. If this isn’t bad enough, they just mentioned on Fox news that there are some rapes connected in the North end of Boston that may be connected. Shouldn’t someone be looking into this?

  2. Peter Porcupine

    Very possibly – but probably not on ‘Beat the Press’, which is a reactive show based on what WAS covered. I heard the item on WBZ about the North End myself.

  3. Anonymous

    How about taking WCVB to task for broadcasting Nightline and half of Jimmy Kimmel without any sound on Wednesday night? This is not the first time that they screwed up broadcasting Nightline. Twice in the last year, they cut the broadcast off in mid-sentence to run commercials once and an 30-minute infomercial another time. Who ever is working the night shift there needs a swift kick in the pants if not a pink slip.

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