By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Globe union rips management for using Trump law firm in contract negotiations

In a press release sent out earlier today, the Boston Newspaper Guild rips John Henry, Linda Pizzuti Henry and Boston Globe management for using the controversial law firm of Jones Day in contract negotiations.

This is not a new complaint, as Jones Day is sometimes characterized as a union-busting operation. But now the firm has been called out for representing President Trump in his efforts to overturn the election results.

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  1. Bob Drake

    Fraudulent election complaints with no basis, union busting; two sides of the same campaign.

    I imagine the law school essays: “when I start my practices I hope to provide legal cover for eh worst president in American History. I hope to cut my teeth in tightening the wages of newspaper employees to help bump them out of the middle class.”

  2. Mark Laurence

    I think of lawyers in the same way as debate teams. You get paid to make the best arguments for your client. If a union hired Jones Day, I’d expect them to get the same service and the best possible convincing arguments that the firm could provide. Am I being realistic or hopelessly naive?

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