By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Using news site comments to build community

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News site comments can be toxic. Yet, properly managed, they can be a tool for building media literacy, civic engagement and, ultimately, a news organization’s audience.

The following presentation incorporates some lessons I’ve learned over the years, many of them from researching my book about online community journalism, “The Wired City.”

I delivered a lecture based on this presentation earlier today in Professor Steve Burgard’s Journalism Ethics and Issues class at Northeastern.

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Fall panorama


Hitting the road for “The Wired City”


  1. Laurence Kranich

    I noticed an anonymous comment in the print edition of the Globe on Saturday. They attributed it to Tony91, posted on It’s the first time I’ve seen a screen name instead of a real name in the Letters section of the print edition. A step in the wrong direction, I thought.

  2. I’ve been thinking (or rethinking) about comments and wrote this a couple of months ago. How to fix comment sections (if we even need them at all….):

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