Totten speaks

The Boston Globe has a brief statement from Guild president Dan Totten:

It has been a long and difficult period for everyone, and we hope that we can now work with prospective buyers to help The Boston Globe and to carry on with its vital mission to promote good journalism and protect free speech.

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One thought on “Totten speaks”

  1. Dan: The Globe later posted the complete Totten statement:Boston Newspaper Guild members have spoken and,after careful consideration,voted to accept the tentative agreement put forward by The New York Times.All of our members spent a great deal of time reviewing and discussing the tentative agreement and we respect the decision that each and every member made with their vote today.It has been a long and difficult period for everyone and we hope that we can now work with prospective buyers to help The Boston Globe and carry on with it's vital mission to promote good journalism.Sincerely,Daniel B. TottenPresidentBoston Newspaper GuildTNG – CWA Local 31245 Since when is a "Tentative Agreement" put forward by only the Company? Why does Guild leadership continue to run away from an agreement they not only signed, but agreed to endorse and reccomend?

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