By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Guild approves Globe concessions

The Boston Newspaper Guild has approved a $10 million package of concessions at the Boston Globe. A newsroom source just zapped me the following company-wide e-mail sent by publisher Steve Ainsley.

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased the Guild membership voted to ratify their new contract. I appreciate the personal sacrifices all Guild members are making, and I thank each one for their commitment to this institution.

The ratification strengthens the stability of The Boston Globe and

Since we now have settled contracts with all our major unions, let me take this opportunity to thank every Globe employee, union and non-union, for the sacrifices you have made to meet the unprecedented challenges we faced at the beginning of the year.

Additionally, thank you for performing to such a high level of accomplishment under such pressure.

Your efforts and sacrifices are making a difference.

— Steve

According to Reuters, the vote was an overwhelming 366 to 179. The Boston Herald offers some additional background.

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  1. Ed

    Only time you'll see "personal sacrifice" and Steve Ainsley in one place.

  2. io saturnalia!

    Nice of the $3.7 Million Man to refer to the worker bees as "colleagues." That'll make the medicine go down.At least he didn't call them "team."

  3. Treg

    Also love how he's just plain old "Steve." What a guy's guy.

  4. meamoeba

    and to all you guild members with less than 10 years seniority who thought you were saving your jobs, spiffy up the resume because layoffs are coming and eliminating that lifetime job guarantee you thought was an impediment to your security means nothing. seniority still exists and guys like jim franklin and brian mooney will keep their jobs or use their seniority bumping rights to keep yours. you won nothing and put your health and future on the line with those health and pension cuts even if you keep your job. your future is as bleak as the paper's.

  5. io saturnalia!

    And, of course, the Guild will continue to get paid. It's the first thing they make sure of in any contract.

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