By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Deval Patrick is shocked

Gov. Deval Patrick has discovered that there is — I hope you’re sitting down — offensive programming on WTKK Radio (96.9 FM), the station where he has been making monthly appearances since entering office more than two years ago.

Patrick, appearing on Jim Braude and Margery Eagan’s program, said he was “embarrassed to be associated with the station” after management decided to lift the month-long suspension it had handed out to Jay Severin for his vile comments about Mexicans. (Globe; Herald.)

But as I and many others have noted, Severin’s comments that day were entirely consistent with his rhetoric over the past decade. If his ratings hadn’t been sliding, it’s not likely he would have gotten into trouble.

Weirdly, Patrick had never expressed any misgivings about appearing on the station until Severin actually apologized. Governor, this may be the one moment when you don’t need to feel embarrassed — a moment that will last until the next time Severin goes off. Enjoy it.

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Brian Mooney responds


Critiquing Obama’s speech in Egypt


  1. mcough4

    Dan,You really have it in for Governor Patrick. I don't see what's "weird" about him only commenting about Severin in the immediate aftermath of his reinstatement. Does he have no credility now because he didn't trash Severin the last time he was on a different radio program that happens to be on the same station?At least he spoke out about it…I don't recall any other elected officials doing so, though I wasn't keeping score.

  2. ShelT

    Although WTTK, not Gov. Patrick, should be embarrassed for allowing Severin's barroom rants back on the air, I agree with Dan that the Governor has a penchant for "looking the other way" while associating himself with dubious individuals, entities, and policies. Whatever "horror" he felt sharing a studio with Severin, he should have experienced tenfold sitting on the board of Ameriquest as the sleazy subprime lender contributed to the nation's economic woes.

  3. b.f.

    It's actually a form of condescending white liberal media racism to not criticize Massachusetts Governor Patrick for actions or failures to speak out which would be generally criticized if they were done by a white Massachusetts governor.With the official jobless rate in Massachusetts increasing to over 8 percent under Patrick & Obama ( whose campaign media "saviour" images were apparently both created by the Chicago media consultant David Axelrod), not to hold Governor Patrick accountable for his failed administration would seem to also be a form of classism.In addition, Governor Patrick's decision to participate in a "stand with Israel" rally at Chesstnut Hill on January 8, 2009–at the same time U.S. weapons were being used by the Israeli military to attack civilians in Gaza–also raised additional questions about Governor Patrick's moral leadership qualities among most people in Massachusetts.

  4. mike_b1

    If the Mass unemployment rate is the metric, at 8% it is 1.4 points (15%) lower than the national average. So by that measure Patrick is doing something right.

  5. An Astute Observer

    Looks like Dan has traded his obsession with Sarah Palin for a new obsession with Jay Severin.

  6. An Astute Observer

    **…it is 1.4 points (15%) lower than the national average. So by that measure Patrick is doing something right.**Just what is he doing right to lay claim to that fact? Care to be specific?

  7. NewsHound

    An Astute Observer – Good Question!

  8. mike_b1

    Geez, learn to read. bf wrote:With the official jobless rate in Massachusetts increasing to over 8 percent under Patrick & Obama ( whose campaign media "saviour" images were apparently both created by the Chicago media consultant David Axelrod), not to hold Governor Patrick accountable for his failed administration would seem to also be a form of classism.In other words, bf is saying that the media should hold Patrick responsible for the unemployment rate. But the Mass unemployment is better than the national average. So he must be doing something right. Of course, all this is incumbent on using the unemployment rate as the metric. Which I wouldn't. But that's a separate argument.

  9. b.f.

    27 other states had lower official unemployment rates than Massachusetts under the Democratic Patrick Administration in April 2009. New Hampshire's official jobless rate was 6.3 percent, Vermont's official jobless rate was 7.1 percent, and New York's official rate was 7.7 percent, for example.A governor of a wealthy state like Massachusetts who promised that his administration would reduce the unemployment rate in Massachusetts should be held accountable for the failure of his administration's "economic" program to quickly provide union-wage jobs for Massachusetts residents. When the April 2009 jobless rate in Maryland (which contains the city of Baltimore) is 6.8 percent, the April jobless rate in Texas is 6.7 percent, the April jobless rate in Virginia is 6.8 percent and the April jobless rate in Nebraska (which contains the city of Omaha) is only 4.4 percent,but the April jobless rate in wealthy Massachusetts is 8 percent, then it's not surprising that most people in Massachusetts realize that the Patrick Administration is actually doing something wrong, on the issue of high-wage jobs creation in the Commonwealth.Readers who are interested in how the current unemployment situation in wealthy Massachusetts compares to the unemployment situation in other states, might want to check out the map on the following link:

  10. An Astute Observer

    But the Mass unemployment is better than the national average. So he must be doing something right. And I asked, would you care to list anything he is doing to lay claim to this?I guess not.

  11. mike_b1

    "Wealthy Massachusetts?" Since when? Prove it.And you can't blame Patrick for a loss of jobs if you don't give him credit for the reciprocal. And only someone who calls himself "astute" could take a comment in a blog out of context.It's amazing: I've never heard wealthiest human Bill Gates complain taxes are too high, or almost wealthiest human Larry Ellison complain taxes are too high, or almost wealthiest human Warren Buffett complain taxes are too high. Only a bunch of guys who make $3.50 an hour cleaning their moms' basements find the time or need to bitch. Oh, and guys: You missed a spot.*Guffaw!*

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