By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

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Richard Pérez-Peña of the New York Times quotes me today in his story on how Boston would be affected if Pérez-Peña’s employer shuts down the Globe.

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  1. LFNeilson

    Freshman journalism students with no experience reading a newspaper. Doesn’t that say a lot? For starters, very few kids today deliver newspapers. Most papers decided they don’t want the management hassles and liabilities of running a network of kids. Many parents are paranoid about letting their kids go door-to-door. So they grow up with no awareness of newspapers. And the papers have no armies of kids out there, helping build circulation.

  2. Michael Corcoran

    Jarring quote Dan, and true I imagine. A lot of talk is made about the generation gap between younger and older readers. I am in my 20s and I am a die-hard newspaper reader. Then again, I am a professional journalist who went to J-School and visits sites like this — so I guess I am do not represent your average person in my generation. Still, one would hope that journalism students at Northeastern would have some experience with newspapers. I guess less and less will as each new class comes into the school

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Michael: These were 18-year-olds; in some cases, 17-year-olds. The thing is, I required them to pick up a Globe on their way to class each day. It was easy to do, since the Globe was distributing the paper free on campus. Some of the students really became regular readers.Then the Globe ended free distribution. Not smart.

  4. NewsHound

    Agree wholeheartedly. Yes, so dumb: “Then the Globe ended free distribution.”

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