By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A low whine from the Naked City (II)

Alan Mutter, one of the best newspaper analysts in the blogosphere, shares Adam Reilly’s and my skepticism about Douglas McIntyre’s list of doomed newspapers. Mutter calls McIntyre “a friend,” but adds that there is “no hard data or deep analysis to support his findings.” He continues:

Although some of the papers one day may succumb to anemic readership and revenues, there is not enough information or analysis underlying the scary list to support the proposition that the publications are more or less doomed than any of 10, 20 or 30 other papers that might have been named, instead.

What Mutter’s got to say about Boston is especially interesting:

Even though weak economies are hardest on the No. 2 papers in two-newspaper towns, Doug predicts the demise of the print edition of the Boston Globe while saying nothing of the apparently fragile financial status of the far smaller Boston Herald.

Over at the Phoenix, Reilly responds to the Inside Track’s criticism.

Update: Paul McMorrow nails it.

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  1. trackgals

    Again, Dan, you and Adam and Alan Mutter are ignoring the one thing that is driving all these newspapers into bankruptcy — debt. The Herald has none. The Globe and New York Times are drowning in it… G&L

  2. Dan Kennedy

    My response is here.

  3. Peter Porcupine

    DK – the Glob refers to you as one who “bloviate(s) beyond his expertise.” The Track Harpies not only name you as inaccurate, but check in three times to make SURE their point is taken – a rather intellectual exercise for them, but hey, now that #12 and G are passe…Remember the critic’s mantra – if both sides are mad at you, you’re doing your job right.

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