By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Why Caroline Kennedy dropped out

Looks like the truth is starting to come out about Caroline Kennedy’s now-ended bid for the Senate. The New York Post reports that Gov. David Paterson is letting it be known through an unnamed spokesman that he never intended to choose her. Among other things, it appears that she may have tax and nanny problems.

The New York Times is catching up, but according to the Politico’s Glenn Thrush, the Post is “lead sled dog on the Caroline exit fiasco.” No gold star for the Post, though, as it adds some entirely unsupported sleaze to the mix.

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  1. mike_b1

    Comment coming from the peanuthead gallery about her “Jewish” roots … wait for it … wait for it …

  2. Prospecticus

    Why the family hasn’t had a Tom Hagen-type consigliare to attend to matters like this, is amazing.Would it have killed Caroline to prepare for a few days, at least to present a semblance of order regarding her personal life?She should have stressed three easy themes with NYC resonance: security,employment,corruption. This should have been a piece of cake. Kennedys refuse to prep.

  3. O'Reilly

    … wait for it … wait for it … wait for it … wait for it or maybe he’ll go with the attack on me, some variation on arrested development. All hell, let’s get it over with: Carolyn Kennedy withdrew because hates the Jews. There it’s done.

  4. O-FISH-L

    What’s most remarkable to me, even with all of the arrogance and ego this woman has shown throughout the process, is that she apparently considered that being passed over by Patterson would be more humiliating than withdrawing for “personal reasons,” knowing full well that the media would then immediately delve into finding and revealing those personal reasons. As pollster Pat Cadell said tonight on FNC, why didn’t she just keep quiet, allow Patterson to pick someone else, and move on? Seems that in trying to avoid the disgrace of being rejected, she has brought much greater shame on herself and possibly even to the paper of record. If that angle explodes, whoa! Then there’s Uncle Teddy’s fuming inner circle, who felt that by using his health as an excuse to withdraw, it made him appear to be on death’s door. I also can’t help wonder, as a caller to Howie mentioned earlier, if the Clinton’s fingerprints are on this trainwreck somehow?

  5. mike_b1

    Yeah, because we know in politics, everyone likes to point the finger at themselves.Like, for instance, Mr. Infallible himself, George Bush. Or that traitor guy who got stomped by Obama…what was his name? John McBlame?

  6. O'Reilly

    O-FISH-L watches FauxNews …so we don’t have to.

  7. Dan Kennedy

    Fish: This may be my only opportunity in 2009 to say this, so … I couldn’t agree with you more.

  8. O'Reilly

    What’s most remarkable to me, even with all of the arrogance and ego this woman has shown throughout the process, is that she apparently considered that being passed over by Patterson would be more humiliating than withdrawing for “personal reasons,” knowing full well that the media would then immediately delve into finding and revealing those personalYes it would be remarkable that she would make such a calculation to avoid a humiliation if she were in fact arrogant as you assert. Arrogance, in its nature, does not see it coming.

  9. Neil

    Subtract the heavy-duty judgmental stuff (“arrogance”, “ego”, “humiliation”, “disgrace”, “shame”) for a moment and what are you left with. Kennedy withdrew “for personal reasons”. The media can delve all they want but have not been able to reveal anything. All they are left with is speculation, tiresomely consistent with their partisan inclinations, about such fluff as whether or not it’s the case that the unnamed somebody who said Uncle Ted’s illness “contributed” to her decision was true or not, and if it wasn’t, what level of “humiliation” that entails.Take “personal reasons” for what it is. Don’t pretend speculation amounts to news because you won’t know for sure unless you hear it from a source willing to go on the record, or Kennedy directly. Until then, it’s none of your damn business.Fish, one “t” in Paterson. I can’t help wonder if you subconsciously add it to render the gov’s name more standard WASP-like and less suspiciously ethnic/repugnant, thus revealing your anti-Semitism.

  10. Rick in Duxbury

    Mike, this “Manchurian Candidate McCain” meme is really getting old. Does him being a gracious loser really threaten you that much? If the Hanoi Hilton doesn’t cut you the occasional slack, I guess all those kids overseas shouldn’t plan on any thanks from you. His wife and her money, the sleazy guys he used to hang out with – all are fair game. But calling him a traitor says a lot more about you than about McCain.

  11. mike_b1

    No, no it doesn’t. Being a traitor says a lot about him. It says nothing about me. As for being a “gracious loser,” hmmm…where did all the Palin criticism come from again?Next question.

  12. O'Rion

    Paterson was evidently allowed to play to his own base instincts, which was a mistake. Someone from the Obama camp should have got to him early. Left alone, he shot himself in both feet. I have no idea how much of a chance he had in his upcoming election run for Gov. But I’ve got a pretty good feeling now, after this fiasco.

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