By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A sad day for the Fenway

One of the great things about working at the Boston Phoenix was its proximity to cheap, good, independent restaurants on Peterborough Street. Those restaurants were only slightly less accessible from Northeastern, as they were just a quick walk across the Fens.

Sadly, six of those restaurants were wiped out in a fire early today. Three of them — the Thornton Grille, Rod-Dee and El Pelón — were longtime Media Nation favorites. Along with the recent closure of the slightly more upscale Brown Sugar, around the corner on Jersey Street, the Fenway is now pretty much bereft of good lunch places.

More than 100 people, many of them elderly, are at least temporarily homeless, too. Fortunately, early reports are that no one was injured.

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Because he might defend himself


Further thoughts on the Times’ front-page ads


  1. Jared

    NOOO!I was a big fan of all of those restaurants. It is indeed a sad day.

  2. Cody

    Truly sad news. when we lived on Peterborough we ate at one of those joints almost daily. Sorrento’s was always in the conversation for best pizza in Boston.

  3. Doug Shugarts

    An awful day for the west Fenway. I lived on Peterborough in the mid-90’s and was thrilled to see that block come alive with good, reasonably priced restaurants. Let me add a quick plug for Woody’s on Hemenway, one of my favorite stops when I’m in the neighborhood. Great pizza, sandwiches, etc. plus beer and wine. Nice staff, too. Top it off with a few belts at T.C.’s Lounge on Haviland!I’m not affiliated with either one — just a lapsed patron.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Doug: I’ve wondered about Woody’s, and should try it.

  5. Evan

    I’m a big fan of Woody’s. Good food.

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