By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Murphy (remember him?) is reprimanded

The gate’s still open, the horses escaped ages ago and the barn has burned down to the ground.

Nevertheless, the state’s Supreme Judicial Court, at long last, ruled today that Superior Court Judge Ernest Murphy committed an ethical violation by sending threatening letters on official stationery to Boston Herald publisher Pat Purcell after winning a libel suit against the Herald.

I have written about this case so many times that I can’t muster the passion to do it again. Robert Ambrogi offers a few highlights as well as a link to the full decision. And here’s some Media Nation background.

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1 Comment

  1. NewsHound

    Judge Murphy presided and retired with actual malice which he continues to practice, and sometimes, disgustingly, wins. The Supreme Court had it right with Sullivan vs. NY Times. This judge slips through the cracks.

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