By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Fact-free speculation

At CommonWealth Unbound, Michael Jonas observes that media speculation over Ian Bowles’ being named to head the Environmental Protection Agency would be a whole lot more interesting if there was even a shred of evidence to support it.

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  1. Peter Porcupine

    DK – I was at yet another interminable hearing in Yarmouth this week to allow Cape Wind to be built (I’m a supporter) and I had a thought about the impact of the Obama presidency on the project.Deval Patrick is a Cape Wind supporter (and long term political friend and ally). Kennedy, Kerry and Delahunt oppose (and all three were early Obama supporters in a state where he lost the primary). As Obama takes over the apparatus of Federal Licensing, who does he listen to? I’d like to see Bowles in, as he is another supporter.Did you know that today is the SEVEN YEAR ANNIVERSAY of the application process to build Cape Wind?

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Did you know that today is the SEVEN YEAR ANNIVERSAY of the application process to build Cape Wind?In other words, it’s still early!One of my favorite moments came when Mitt Romney suggested that the wind farm be built in the Berkshires instead. My reaction: Why not in addition to? And anywhere else you can put them.I’d like one in my backyard.

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