Clinton enters “Daily Show” territory

The funniest thing about today’s lead Boston Globe headline is that it’s completely accurate.

I just sent off a piece to the Guardian on where the race goes from here. Despite some technical difficulties, it should be up in a bit.

Update: Well, this is annoying. I’m told that my deathless prose won’t go up until 5 p.m. or so due to computer issues. Since my stuff tends to have the shelf-life of day-old fish, I’m afraid it may be overtaken by events. So be it.

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6 thoughts on “Clinton enters “Daily Show” territory”

  1. The cheerleading for Obama is nausating. On, a headlind reads “Take a peek at some of the front pages from across the country and abroad celebrating Barack Obama’s Democratic nomination victory.” Celebrating??? Would this be the same is the Republicans nominated a black person?

  2. Brian – how can you forget the cheering mobs on the Boston Common when Ed Brooke (first black Senator) was elected?

  3. Well, I wasn’t alive then so I can’t comment! But, that is not the same as newspapers celebrating.

  4. Brian – I cannot take advantage of your youth and inexperience, as Reagan said – there WERE no cheering mobs.

  5. Is a combination of elected delegates plus declared super delegates the same as clinching the nomination by winning enough elected delegates? Merely a formality aside, until the vote is held at the convention, the declared super delegates can’t be counted on to vote their declarations. OTOH, I do believe that Senator Obama will be our standard bearer in the Fall election.

  6. Anon 3:26: I’m pretty sure that even elected delegates can vote for whomever they choose once they show up at the convention. But let’s not get carried away. Two observations:1. Obama has won the nomination.2. Until and unless he is elected president, there is a theoretical chance that something could happen that would force him to step aside and let someone else become the party’s candidate. Even if it’s after the convention, the parties have rules that allow them to deal with such situations.

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