By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Globe denies layoff story

Globe spokesman Al Larkin calls the Metro report “factually incorrect,” according to accounts by the Phoenix’s Adam Reilly and the Herald’s Christine McConville, although he doesn’t rule out the possibility of some layoffs.

Credit where it’s due: Looks like Lisa van der Pool of the Boston Business Journal was the first to report the Globe’s denial. Meanwhile, in today’s Metro, Saul Williams says he stands by his story. (9:40 a.m.)

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Can the Globe really lay off “hundreds”?


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  1. Rick in Duxbury

    Like Roger Clemens and his erstwhile friend, SOMEBODY is lying here. More to the point, is this inability to mesh resources emblematic of the reasons the Globe is foundering? Either don’t buy 49% of the Metro or, if you do, take advantage of what you bought, against the competition. Geez, haven’t these big time moguls ever heard of synergy?

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Rick: It was always a mystery to me why the Times Co. didn’t insist on 51 percent of Metro so that the Globe could call the shots.

  3. Anonymous

    Dan, how many work at the Globe? How many reporters vs. other staff? How many “corrspondents” without benefits vs. “staff” with benefits? I know you are not the Globe HR dep’t, but I’ve never seen this breakdown and it would give all of us regular people some idea of how much of a hit these layoffs have been, instead of John Carrol telling us this on Friday nights.

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