By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Mashpee meltdown

Cape Cod Today reporter/blogger Peter Kenney writes (link fixed) that a dissident faction of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe is preparing to renew a 30-year-old lawsuit against the town of Mashpee.

The suit, which is said to challenge “the validity of virtually every title to property in Mashpee,” was to have been laid to rest under the terms of an agreement reached by town officials with Glenn Marshall, the disgraced former leader of the tribal council.

Could this have an effect on the proposed Middleborough casino? It’s hard to say. But the Marshall-Mashpee agreement would have prevented the Wampanoags from building a casino in Mashpee. If the agreement is void, then a Mashpee casino would be on the table again.

My standard disclosure.

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  1. Peter Porcupine

    Dan – I mentioned MONTHS ago that the repossession of Mashpee Commons and New Seabury were possible if the tribe revived the suit. So will Bob Kraft et al get a lovely lot in Middleboro as a trade for the repo land in Mashpee?All of us on Cape remember the land suits – which is why Deval’s plan to stick it to the tribe and scotch the Middleboro casino venture is so insane. Does he understand that his greed may dismember an entire town, albeit outside of Rt. 128?

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Peter: You sound as though you’re willing to destroy Middleborough in order to save Mashpee. My priorities are (1) no casino anywhere, but, failing that, (2) no casino in Middleborough.

  3. Peter Porcupine

    Dan – we are united, but weary and sceptical on #1.On #2 – what did Middleboro think would happen when they SOLD the tribe the land to settle the Mashpee lawsuit 20 years ago? A wig-wam development? It was explicitly to settle the tribal lawsuit, and provide casino space, should they obtain recognition. They have since voted to uphold that decision.In the meantime, reopening the lawsuit calls into question the title of LITERALLY every title in town – homes, businesses, etc. the tribe has even asked for an injunction to halt ALL real estate sales while the issue is decided! It’s like Deadlock and Deadlock in Bleak House!I submit that the consequences of reopening the suit impacts an entire town in a worse way than a casino might impact Middleboro.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    But the Mashpee lawsuit has less effect on Middleborough than a casino in Middleborough would have. Sorry, but there are times when you’ve got to protect your own.

  5. Peter Porcupine

    Then perhaps Middleboro should re-purchase the acreage at its appreciated value, since it will reneg on the original purchase plan?The irony of yet another broken white man treaty – which is the purpose of the Indian Gamining Act in the first place, to recompense for those broken treaties and seized lands – cannot be lost upon you?

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