By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

DePetro does it again

John DePetro, the ratings-challenged former WRKO Radio (AM 680) talk-show host, is at it again. Ian Donnis explains that DePetro, now back on the air in Providence, blurted out a few remarks in an appearance on MSNBC that indulged in some pretty raw racial stereotypes.

DePetro, of course, was fired by WRKO after he referred to 2006 gubernatorial candidate Grace Ross as a “fat lesbian.” Thus did he show that he had forgotten the first rule of talk radio, which is that you can only get away with stuff like that if you’ve got the numbers.

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  1. Rick

    I was pulled over for going through a stop sign in Roxbury and the first thing the police officer asked me was ” what was I doing down here” So is it wrong that Depetro described what happens more than you think? Media Matters is becoming like a soviet style thought police. Is this a free country or what?

  2. Anonymous

    depetro was using his 15 nanosecs on msnbc to juice his poor ratings and grab some attention. must be painful to fall from nyc to mass. to r.i., where he richly deserves to linger like a bad f*rt before his inevitable shift to delaware. he clearly has never set foot in harlem to make such profoundly ignorant statements. depetro cares only about depero.

  3. amusedbutinformedobserver

    In the world of talk radio there is (virtually) no bad publicity. We’re talking about a talk show host who actually has a Web site at which he actually posted photos of himself posing with celebrities.Perhaps, though, there is something to this media bias, after all. Is the liberal media trotting out DePetro because they know he will make conservatives look stupid?

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