By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Howie’s on

Much to my surprise, Howie Carr is on the air right now. He read a statement — dictated by WRKO management, to judge from the sarcasm with which he delivered it — saying that he won’t talk about his “personal situation,” and urging callers not to bring it up. So there you go.

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  1. Anonymous

    EB3 herejason Wolfew should put Finneran on Howie’s show for about an hour each day until Howie leaves. They can duke it out and let the chips fall where they may. Great radio and Finneran may shine and Howie can’t keep saying “Oh yeah, well your a felon.”Everyday for the next 2 months.That’s what i say.

  2. Tony

    That would be funny!

  3. Amusedbutinformedobserver

    I would suggest it is not a coincidence that Paula O’Connor was shown the door at WTKK shortly before Howie signed his new deal. She was Jerry Williams’ producer, then program manager of WRKO when the WHDH air staff, including Howie, moved over.Of course nobody will be asking Howie why O’Connor seems to get the gate when Howie shows up, and I doubt he would answer if anyone asked.

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