By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Defense deleted

Never is heard a discouraging word at Massachusetts GOP News. Last week, I made fun of this blogger or bloggers for suggesting that the state Republican Party might be better off if a Democrat were elected governor.

A few days ago, I ran across a response that reads in part:

Among the least provocative responses was from Dan Kennedy at Media Nation who called it a dumb idea and then seemingly proceeded to make the same argument. Another drunken Kennedy I assume.

So I posted a comment that, among other things, asked an innocent question: Is your libel insurance paid up, smartass?

The comment was #7. It’s gone. So is comment #8, which I never got a chance to see. (A defender, perhaps?)

Apparently Mass. GOP News has been taking lessons in how to win an argument from Gregg Jackson — who, by the way, recently took down his blog, although he still posts to Pundit Review.

Update: A response!

Certain comments have been deleted as I wished not to get into a puerile pissing contest with Dan Kennedy from Media Nation. It had nothing to do with his hissy fits; empty threats of libel suits or his name calling.

Assuming my retort will get deleted again, here’s what I just posted:

Well, now. I’m probably “another drunken Kennedy,” but when I try to talk back, I’m engaging in “name calling.” Very interesting. And yes, my threat of a libel suit was completely empty, but what the heck. BTW … care to share what was in Comment #8?

Update II: Deleted again! And, oh yes, I learned from another commenter that #5 has been deleted, too. What was that one about? Wow. Talk about not being able to take it.

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  1. Anonymous

    Exactly how would that have been libelous? By virtue of having a blog and serving as a TV commentator, you’re a voluntary public figure. And he didn’t say you were an alcoholic. He made a satirical assumption based on your last name. Lighten up, Dan-o.

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Actually, I don’t believe in libel suits. But don’t tell anyone!

  3. Don

    Apparently, the closer we get to the election, the more jerks come out of the woodwork. Even when I disagree with you, I respect your opinion. (No, I wasn’t #8, but you sounded like you’d wanted one.)

  4. Stella

    Aah… The asses assume always.

  5. Charles Foster Kane

    Personally, I had assumed that whoever wrote that post on GOP News had been sniffing glue because that is one of only two possible explanations for a post that stupid.What I find funny is the insult directed at Dan, which proves the trickle down theory of Republican comedy. A few A-list right wing pundits are actually amusing but when the D-level talent tries to make a joke, it is about as funny as Mallard Fillmore, which results in huge comedy deficits and a general sense that Republicans should leave the jokes to people who know what they are doing.

  6. Anonymous

    Every political persuasion havetheir share of below the beltsarcasm. If George Bush got out of his boat,and walked on water,to the shore,he would be criticised for not being able to swim.

  7. Anonymous

    Anon. 9:18, that is so ridiculous, so absolutely stupid and crazy. Are you suggesting that President Bush is competent – at anything – but recieves unfair criticism?

  8. Charles Foster Kane

    At least you were kind enough to call the person at GOPNews a smartass rather than a dumbass, which is the word I would have chosen. I’m sure the comment I left over there will be deleted as well. But isn’t that the way of the GOP? Ignore contrary opinions and pretend all is sunshine and light? Seeing as how the GOP is going to need people to actually vote for their candidates to effect this takeover of the Massachusetts legislature, you’d think they wouldn’t be so anxious to prove themselves petty.

  9. Dan Kennedy

    Thought I’d do the old copy-and-paste before Mr. Mass. GOP News starts hitting the delete key again. Sorry if this is boring; at least I’m sticking in the comments rather than making a new post out of it. To wit:14 – Dan called you names? I suppose you assume “drunken Kennedy” to be a truth, rather than a slur against Dan. You’re a typical glass jaw conservative–you can dish it out but you curl into a fetal ball at the thought of having to defend yourself. Much better just to delete the comments and pretend it never happened.Your idea is dumb, given that the GOP can’t even field enough candidates for local office to take over the Legislature, much less actually win the races. No amount of money will change this and the idea that the mainstream media is what croaks GOP candidates is laughable. The idea that the voters of Massachusetts will suddenly welcome the GOP with open arms if the state has both a Democratic legislature and Governor for a few terms has no historical basis. Wishful thinking on your part won’t make it so.Bob Parks believes that a GOP governor has taken the heat off the legislature and its “monstrous” policies. I’d be interested in knowing exactly which policies he considers to be “monstrous”. Bob forgets that the voters in MA elected Weld because he actually seemed more liberal than John Silber, especially in regards to social policies.Hardcore religious conservatism isn’t going to play in the Commonwealth and Republicans nationally haven’t shown themselves to be fiscally conservative or particularly interested in the right of states to make their own decisions, so what exactly is so appealing about the GOP? The roll back of taxes to 5%? I can’t think of a single thing the Massachusetts GOP believes in, except the aforementioned tax roll back and animosity towards marriage equality. That’s some platform. (Comment this)Written by: CCFK at 2006/08/09 – 13:21:4215 – Charles,I deleted Dan’s comments because they were demeaning to the intent of this site. If Dan wishes to go online and bitch and moan about who said what to whom then he should go and visit the Yahoo chat rooms. That goes for you as well. I reserve the right to delete any comment I see unfit to stay on this site. As do you and Dan with your sites as well. This site is for the intent of discussion.This foolishness began when I made a suggestion that the GOP make a greater effort to win the legislature than it has in the past. Even at the expense of the Governor’s office. I stand by that thought. You and Dan are welcome to disagree, but need I remind you that Dan lobbed the first bomb by saying my suggestion was stupid on his site. When I countered on my site he had a hissy fit, and he began to add silly comments to MY site. At that time I decided to stop and remove all comments related to his opinion. I would also remind you that he called me “Smartass” in his comments and that I consider childish name calling.If you want to know Bob Parks thoughts on any issue please feel free to visit his site. He does not write for this site. Although I would welcome him at any time as I feel he has some very good and intelligent opinions to add to any political discourse.Lastly, let me say that I am both proud of this site and proud of the Republican Party. I support the party because it has a long and notable past. More importantly I believe the GOP is the party with the right moral, fiscal and international policies and views. The fact that I offer a strategy somewhat different than the traditional view should not offend you so greatly. Quite frankly I am not sure why you and Dan are so put out by the simple suggestion of a legislative push to our party. Nonetheless, I stand by my comments and will not allow any insipid comments to be dropped on this site. (Comment this)Written by: gopnews blog at 2006/08/09 – 14:07:3216 – Fair enough. I will continue without any reference to he who must not be named.To reiterate:The GOP can’t even field enough candidates for local office to take over the Legislature, much less actually win the races. No amount of money will change this and the idea that the mainstream media is what croaks GOP candidates is untested–you have no evidence to support this, just an assumption. Given that the GOP has won the governor’s seat for the last sixteen years with widespread mainstream media coverage, you vastly overstate the power of the media to kill off GOP candidates. The idea that the voters of Massachusetts will suddenly welcome the GOP with open arms if the state has both a Democratic legislature and Governor for a few terms also has no historical basis.Hardcore religious conservatism isn’t going to play in the Commonwealth and Republicans nationally haven’t shown themselves to be fiscally conservative or particularly interested in the right of states to make their own decisions, so what exactly is so appealing about the GOP? The roll back of taxes to 5%? I can’t think of a single thing the Massachusetts GOP believes in, except the aforementioned tax roll back and animosity towards marriage equality. That’s some platform.You also say you believe that the “GOP is the party with the right moral, fiscal and international policies and views”. I didn’t realize that the GOP was suddenly monolithic on moral issues–are you saying there is no room for disagreement in your party on moral issues? This may play on the national stage, but how exactly is that going to translate to something which appeals to Massachusetts voters? I don’t see that you’ve given any thought into issues and messages which would actually appeal to Massachusetts voters.I just gave you solid reasons why I think your plan is unworkable. Go ahead and delete my comment. (Comment this)Written by: CCFK at 2006/08/09 – 14:29:5917 – Oops, I meant go ahead and delete Comment 14. Sorry. (Comment this)Written by: CCFK at 2006/08/09 – 14:58:0218 – Hey, GOP Guy — Once again, you are just making it up. You write to Charles, “I reserve the right to delete any comment I see unfit to stay on this site. As do you and Dan with your sites as well.” In fact, I have never removed a single comment from my site unless it was (1) true spam — that is, robot-generated come-ons to buy whatever; (2) threats of violence against the president and others (yes, it’s happened); or (3) something that, based on my knowledge of media law, might actually be considered libelous (very rare). I even let Gregg Jackson keep posting after he blocked me!And why do you persist in criticizing me for calling you a “smartass” when it was you who fired the first shot by calling me a drunk? (Comment this)Written by: Dan Kennedy at 2006/08/09 – 15:28:27

  10. Anonymous

    Okay, I apologize in advance if anyone finds this offensive. But Dan, there is something I learned long ago, and it was pointed out to me this way:Arguing with a conservative republican over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you’re completely right, even if you efficiently and effectively trounce your opponent on every point, the whole thing is still retarded.That is to say, don’t waste your breath on these guys.

  11. Charles Foster Kane

    For the record, I don’t delete comments that I disagree with either. I’m fully comfortable giving people all the rope they need to hang themselves.Anon at 12:16:I tend to agree with you. But the sad fact is that there are people out there who look to people like Gregg Jackson and GOPnews as sources of accurate information.

  12. Bob

    One of the “monstrous” policies put in place by the Mass. Legislature was the override of Governor Romney’s veto to create that Super Commission that, among other things, allows alternative lifestyle literature to be presented in our schools.Please check out my video segment on the Super Commission created after the Mass. Legislature overrode Romney’s veto, and gave our kids the opportunity to read literature like “The Little Black Book.” segments are in two parts, totally around 13 minues.Bob

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