By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Bloglines v. NetNewsWire

As of this moment, Bloglines hasn’t pulled in anything today from Romenesko. On the other hand, NetNewsWire Lite seems to be right up to the minute.

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  1. Anonymous

    You have a Mac, don’t you? Why don’t you just use the RSS feature in Safari? Put the bookmark in your Bookmarks bar and you can see immediately if your target has been updated. This is how I keep up with Media Nation and it seems to update very quickly.

  2. Dan Kennedy

    I find Firefox to be far faster and more reliable than Safari. Firefox has its RSS reader, Sage (an extension, really), which I also don’t like. But I’m beginning to think NetNewsWire is the way to go — experimentation today shows that it’s running way ahead of Bloglines.

  3. Bill W

    Dan,If you pay for the full version of NetNewsWire you will also get a subscription to NewsGator (sort of like Bloglines, but better). Between the desktop program and the web subscription (which sync themselves when you quit), it has made my rss experience very efficient.I have found the money well worth it.

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