With trust tanking, local TV news has an advantage over other forms of media

Photo (cc) 2009 by Patrick B

At a time when public trust in every major institution except local public libraries is below 50%, local television news has some advantages that other forms of media lack.

That was the message from Seth Geiger, president and co-founder of SmithGeiger Group, a consulting firm that works with media organizations. Geiger spoke Friday at “Reinvent: A Video Innovation Summit” at Northeastern University.

According to survey data that Geiger presented, local television news is trusted by about 41% of the public — lower than in previous years, but far ahead of the 29% who say they trust national television news. Ironically, he added that social media is the most used platform for news even though it is the least trusted.

“Usually if you don’t trust something, you don’t use it. But that’s not how this functions. That may feel like a woe-the-republic moment for you,” he said, observing that social media is the top go-to for news among every age group except those between 55 and 64. (Presumably that would hold true for those older than 64 as well, but that demographic was not included in his charts.)

“The path back to trust is going to happen at the local level,” Geiger said, adding that local television news is “the most important news institution in the country.”

Geiger was joined by Keren Henderson, an associate professor at Syracuse University, who presented some highlights from the latest “State of Local TV News” survey from the Radio Television Digital News Association, better known as RTDNA.

At a time when goals such as diversity in the work force are under fire from the Trump administration, Henderson’s data showed local TV news continues to lag. Currently, she said, about 42% of the U.S. population comprises minorities, which far exceeds the 28% minority percentage working for local television news. Some 77% of stations reported employing staffers who are LGBTQ, but when they were specifically asked about transgender staff, that percentage fell to about 18% — a decline from about 23% in 2024.

Currently there are 1,117 stations across the country airing local TV news, of which 695 are producing original programming with the rest being repeaters. That figure is essentially unchanged from 2024. In addition, she said threats to news workers were up 50%, leading to a decline in the use of solo multimedia journalists being assigned to go out and report stories.

Interestingly, the digital platforms that local TV newscasts have embraced the most are Instagram (91%) and YouTube (85%), with the much-hyped TikTok app lagging at 39%. Bluesky and Threads barely registered.

The average starting salary in local TV news was just a little more than $39,000. Not surprisingly, Henderson said, 80% of those leaving the field reported low pay as the main reason. Another 64% cited work-life balance and 52% cited burnout.

Overall, it was a rather dispiriting presentation, which led graduate student Lisa Thalhamer, who moderated the session, to end by asking Geiger and Henderson what makes them hopeful.

Henderson cited her teenage children, who are engaged and paying attention to the news — what she referred to as “that level of energy of caring about the world.”

Geiger said he’s hopeful that engaging more with the audience and helping them to understand how journalism works could offset the overall decline, with “facts being the building blocks.” He added: “There is a mechanism to do that.”

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5 thoughts on “With trust tanking, local TV news has an advantage over other forms of media”

  1. If viewers trust local news more than national news, will they believe a national news item reported by a local news reporter more than the same item from the national news reporting?

  2. Dan: I read 4 newspapers in their newsprint editions daily: The Boston Herald, The Boston Globe, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Sad to say, the only one whose news pages I’ve come to trust is The Wall Street Journal.
    Harcey Silverglate

  3. The WSJ news pages were always at a much higher standard of believability than their editorial pages, FWIW.

  4. As a publisher of online local news websites, we find it funny that local TV news is considered a trusted source. We’re forever trying to get them to give us credit for the stories they regularly “borrow” from us.

  5. One of the reasons that local TV news is seen as trusted is that it avoids in general any meaningful engagement with policy or complex governmental action, and concentrates on spot news and stuff with exciting visuals.

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