By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Our book launches today, and if you can’t make it in person, you can watch online

A little over five years ago, at a Chinese restaurant in Harvard Square, Ellen Clegg and I sketched out a rough outline for the book that would become “What Works in Community News.” Today is our book’s official publication date. We owe a debt of gratitude to a lot of people, including our publisher, Beacon Press; the news entrepreneurs and thought leaders who we interviewed for the book as well as for our podcast; and our families for putting up with us.

Our launch party is today at 7 p.m. at Brookline Booksmith, and it looks like we’re going to have a full house. If you haven’t registered but would like to tune in, you can do so here. In addition, on Thursday, Jan. 11, from 7 to 8 p.m., I’ll be giving a presentation on our book via Zoom. It’s being sponsored by the Tewksbury Public Library, but I know a number of other libraries are taking part as well. You can register here. I’ll be solo; Ellen and I are pursuing a divide-and-conquer strategy, handling some events together and some with one or the other.

We are really looking forward to tonight in Brookline, and I hope to see you on the other end of the screen this Thursday.

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  1. Congratulations to you both!! What a big day. I’ve been looking forward to reading this book for so long now, I was so excited to see that my pre-order copy shipped and is on its way to me 🙂

    I had hoped to be able to attend tonight’s launch party but couldn’t; hopefully I will be able to tune in for Thursday’s event.

    Congrats again!

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    Hi Dan,
    Your “manage subscriptions” link is not working correctly and I can’t unsubscribe. Can you please take a look at it? I’m getting WAY too many emails.
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