By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Cambridge Day takes on an advisory board and seeks to raise $75,000

Cambridge City Hall. Photo (cc) 2007 by Thomas Steiner.

Over the course of several months, I’ve talked with a few people in Cambridge about the dearth of local news in that city. Its only newspaper, Gannett’s Cambridge Chronicle, has been without a reporter since last year. The leading news outlet, Cambridge Day, does good work, but it was essentially a one-person operation headed by Marc Levy on a volunteer basis. I encouraged Marc and two members of a group seeking to start a nonprofit, journalists Mary McGrath and Susanne Beck, to try to work together.

Now it looks like that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Cambridge Day, which Levy founded in 2009, has published a story announcing that the nonprofit group is going to head up a fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $75,000. “The fundraising is not only to ‘save’ Cambridge Day, but to help it take a leap forward in quality and comprehensiveness,” according to an article published by the Day on Tuesday. The campaign will be headed up by an organization called Cambridge Local News Matters. It’s not clear what Marc’s role will be moving forward, but it’s surely a good sign that he wrote the article announcing the changes.

You could go back several decades, to when the Chronicle was independently owned and competed with the Cambridge Tab, and even then it was often said that Cambridge was the largest city in the country (population: 118,000) without a daily newspaper. The Day has been indispensable since its founding, and I wish Marc and his new partners all the best.

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  1. pauljbass

    Go Dan!

  2. Ian Caldwell

    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that Cambridge Day is able to achieve its goal. Its no small task to cover a city as large as Cambridge, but at least Cambridge Day is trying to fill the void that Gannett has left. How can Gannett possibly hope to cover Cambridge properly without any reporters on staff? It boggles the mind!

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