By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Several Gannett papers, including the Worcester T&G, won’t print on Labor Day

The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester is taking a day off. According to an announcement in the print edition, the paper won’t publish tomorrow, which is Labor Day.

The 016, which has the story, observes that “the last date the Telegram & Gazette was not printed is not immediately known,” and that the T&G will be joined by some other Gannett papers, including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Tallahassee Democrat.

A highly unusual move to say the least.

More: Add the Cape Cod Times to the list. It’s starting to look like this applies to many if not most of Gannett’s dailies.

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1 Comment

  1. Ditto with the Knoxville News Sentinel. Can’t remember the last time this daily didn’t print — Maybe delayed print during the blizzard of 1993. I remember packing in some bananas, chips and Coca- Cola, hunkered down at the Shopper News office with a sleeping bag and never missed a lick. No loss of power; no loss of phone serviice. Was a lucky puppy during 16 inches (seemed like 24) inches of snow.

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