By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Michael Cohen leaves the Globe to start a newsletter on Substack

Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen is leaving the paper in order to seek his fortune on Substack:

Unlike most of the solo practitioners who’ve set up shop on Substack, Cohen plans to have contributors — so it sounds like it will be more of a mini-publication than a personal newsletter. Still, it’s a big undertaking. When I started asking for voluntary subscriptions for Media Nation recently, I did it with two things in mind: to give myself an incentive to post more frequently, and to develop a small revenue stream. I can’t imagine trying to support myself this way.

Anyway, good luck to Cohen.

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  1. Mike B

    Based on the content of his Globe columns, I feel Cohen’s perspective is too narrow to be distinctive and thus worth paying for.

  2. nahantjim

    I stopped reading Cohen years ago. He was simply too partisan, too ideological. I also do not read Renee Graham for the same reason. Everything is see through the same prism. I read Scot Lehigh,Yvonne Abraham and Kevin Cullen regularly but Jeff Jacoby has become increasingly intriguing. He seems to have migrated, at least partially, in the way that David Brooks has, from a Rightist lockstep conservatism to a more “American” center-right position. He’s nutty every once in awhile for click-bait reasons, but when he’s openly thoughtful…it’s quite delightful.

    The guy I really look forward to reading whenever he appears is David Shribman. What a gift!

    But in terms of sensitive, penetrating, humane intelligence, reading Joan Wickersham and Melissa Ely is always rewarding.

    Ideologues are just noise.

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