By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Georgia election official sends a message to Trump

Fairly dramatic exchange a few minutes ago between CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Gabriel Sterling, a leading election official in Georgia and a Republican who publicly debunked President Trump’s false claims of election fraud on Monday.

Blitzer: “It has not been easy for you, it’s not been easy for him [Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger], when you are so repeatedly and needlessly, ridiculously attacked by the president of the United States. If he’s watching us right now, what’s your message to him?”

Sterling: “Mr. President, you already lost here in Georgia. And the thing now is, no matter what you say, you can’t undermine the people of Georgia’s integrity to know their voting system works and their vote is going to count at the end of the day one way or another how this election comes out.”

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  1. Steve Ross

    Like many Republican-run states, Georgia suppresses as many likely Democratic voters as it can, with draconian ID laws, notaries for absentee ballot signatures, inadequate numbers of polling places, limited early voting and on and on… at least 2 million in 2020. They also gerrymander, but so do Democrats.

    But yeah, once they get a discriminatory law passed, they may follow it in Georgia. That’s unlike Florida in 2000, where they fudged the acceptance of submitted ballots as well (as the AP recount showed). I’m actually impressed but this is not heroism. This is realism. Trump lacks that realism stuff.

  2. Georgia officials should have arrested Trump the minute he set foot in the state for criminal solicitation to commit election fraud. Maybe the Constitution protects a president from federal charges, but not from state charges.

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