By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

The Globe gets ready to unveil its life-sciences vertical

A couple of news briefs about The Boston Globe:

  • Benjamin Mullin has an interesting story at Poynter about the Globe’s life-sciences vertical, which is scheduled to begin a slow-roll launch this fall. The project already has a high-profile editor, Rick Berke, formerly of Politico and The New York Times. Berke tells Mullin that he expects the unnamed website will also have a “print component” — unlike (so far) Crux, the Globe’s vertical covering the Catholic Church. Like Crux and BetaBoston, which covers tech and innovation, it sounds like life-sciences stories of broad interest will also appear in the Globe itself.
  • Globe Magazine editor Susanne Althoff is leaving the paper to become an assistant professor in Emerson College’s Writing, Literature, and Publishing Department at Emerson College. In a characteristically effusive email to the staff, editor Brian McGrory writes, “Her team consistently produces some of the highest quality journalism to come out of the Globe, beautifully portrayed in print. And the magazine’s creativity and savvy in story selection, execution, and packaging have routinely led to massive readership online. Look no further than the feature on being poor at an Ivy League school, guaranteed to be one of the most read Globe stories of 2015.”

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  1. Candy Thomson

    “Slow-roll launch?” Is that a figure skating or gymnastics term?

    • tobe berkovitz

      “Triple lutz launch” would be the figure skating term.

  2. Peter Sullivan

    I find It interesting that the Globe is putting a lot of resources behind these stand alone vertical websites. I followed your link to Crux, which looks like a well organized and well staffed website, that if you were interested in all things catholic, you may enjoy visiting. Yet, the only evidence that they even except advertising is the empty space holders marked “Advertisement” Does it really make sense to abandon the two major traffic websites the Globe already has to try and develop stand alone products that seem to be slow in gaining favor from advertisers???

    Why not include these sections on the Globes website and sell the heck out of them based on the size of the audience???

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Peter: Although I’ve questioned the relative scarcity of ads on Crux, I took a look just now and I think the ad server is broken. It’s never looked like that before.

  3. Peter Sullivan

    That certainly makes a little more sense….

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