By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Tell the White House we need to preserve net neutrality

Normally I’m not a big fan of journalists’ signing petitions. But preserving net neutrality is so fundamental to what we do that we should all send President Obama a strong message. We need net neutrality to provide the public with the information it needs for self-government — it’s that basic.

This particular petition is endorsed by Tim Wu, who literally coined the phrase. I haven’t checked out all the prominent supporters, but I know that Jeff Jarvis is among them. If the possibility of democratic media is important to you, please sign.

And here is some background on net neutrality from Free Press.

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1 Comment

  1. Ugh. I work at a public institution with a firewall that blocks all shortened URL’s. I hope I remember to do this later. (FYI: I’m on break at the moment)

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