By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Meet the Obnoxious Boston Fan

A little birdie whispered in my ear that the Obnoxious Boston Fan‘s name is Bill Speros. Once I started Googling, it fell into place pretty quickly. Here is his website.

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  1. Brendan P. Myers

    For what it’s worth, I never thought he was hiding anything. Frankly, I never even gave it a second thought that he was “anonymous.” Think it was more “shtick” than anything else. But for those who commented that he was calling for someone’s job while being anonymous himself, that may indeed have been a bridge too far. But if Mr. Speros is indeed “OBF,” there’s no reason he can’t continue what he’s doing.

    PS: You and anonymity. Geez. TALK TO SOMEONE. Seriously.

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Brendan: I agree that he wasn’t making a big deal of it. The information was out there.

  2. By “Staff Pulitzer” he appears to mean he worked in the same building (as a night sports editor, along with the night cleaning crew) as the team that did the Columbine reporting in Denver.

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