By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Greg Moore, possibly the Globe’s next editor, wins a big award

Greg Moore

As the Boston Globe seeks to replace departing editor Marty Baron, here’s someone to keep at least one eye on.

Former Globe managing editor Greg Moore has been named the Benjamin C. Bradlee Editor of the Year by the National Press Foundation for his leadership of the Denver Post. Moore was recently seen in the vicinity of the Globe, according to several people I’ve spoken with, although there’s also talk that he has no desire to return to Boston.

The smart money is on an internal candidate. The names that come up most frequently are metro columnist Brian McGrory, editorial-page editor Peter Canellos and managing editor Caleb Solomon. At The Phoenix, Peter Kadzis is predicting Solomon, and floats several other names as well. But, really, who knows what might happen?

Regardless of who ultimately moves into the glass house being vacated by Baron, congratulations to Greg Moore.

Denver Post file photo.

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  1. Dave Barnes

    Under Greg’s “leadership” the Denver Post has gone way downhill. I dropped it after 30 years.

  2. Jeffrey Magee

    This is the funniest thing I’ve seen the past half-decade. Greg Moore’s “leadership” has resulted in a splintered newsroom, mass exodus of quality journalists and derision in a community that longs for the other paper that got killed off by the then-publisher. The Post is on par with anything Patch puts out.

  3. Mike Benedict

    Maybe Mitt Romney could save it. I hear he’s available.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Whenever I think of why the newspaper business is collapsing across the country, the first thing that always comes to my mind is that it must be Greg Moore’s fault.

  5. Amy Alexander

    Wow. Lots of Greg Moore haters here. Perhaps these Commenters would’ve preferred the Denver Post die off, like the RMNews? Yeeesh.

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