By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions free trial extended

In the past week or so, I’ve been telling people I thought the Boston Globe ought to extend the free trial period for its subscription-only website,, until a few bugs got worked out. So I’m not surprised to learn the Globe has done exactly that. The site will be free through mid-October.

Here’s the main thing I’m looking for: a rock-solid “Today’s Paper” section that includes everything in the print edition, including all editorial cartoons (currently only staff cartoonist Dan Wasserman’s work gets posted) and “Names” items (sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not).

I also want the “All Headlines” feature under “Today’s Paper” to be sticky rather than constantly reverting back to “Quick View.” I’d like to be able to click on photos for a larger version. Finally, I want to return to where I was when I click on the back button rather than to the top of the page. On that last point, I notice improvements, but it’s not totally consistent.

Have you tried What do you like or not like about it?

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  1. Aaron Read

    I like the fact that is free, has most of the same content, and loads about 2000% faster with none of the obnoxious flash ads that expand/contract and move all the content around.

  2. tobe berkovitz

    I’m an old guy and prefer print versions to digital editions. That being said I’ve developed ways to work my way through the electronic editions of the NYT and WSJ. I click on section headers at the top of the page (world, nation, marketplace etc), go through the stories and then return to the next section header. Try doing this with the Globe. It’s a mess and you don’t get all the stories.

  3. Maura Brehan

    I’m always happy when the Boston Globe listens to you, Dan.

  4. wilson tisdale

    You’re right. Hope they fix it.

  5. While I am old school and have always preferred the feel of the paper in my hands, there is something to be said about not getting a soggy paper at the end of your driveway!! That said, I hope they fix the bugs soon 🙂

  6. Michael Wyatt

    What I haven’t yet figured out (and maybe I’m slow on the uptake) is how to get the registration set up. First hurdle, already being a registered user, was that had to set up a new account (could use same e-mail address, but had to pick a new password). That got stuck in an endless loop, so had to resort to a Chat session for a new temporary password to be assigned. Of course, haven’t yet figured out how or where to click to look at my account settings to change said temporary password or to link to fact that I am a subscriber (Sunday only, thanks for the tip Dan).

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