By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Globe publishes spiked Wasserman cartoon

Though it doesn’t seem to have made its way onto yet, Boston Globe cartoonist Dan Wasserman’s poke at Bank of America and the Museum of Fine Arts — spiked last Sunday — is in today’s Globe, as he said it would be. It never should have been held in the first place, but there you have it.

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  1. Mike Rice

    A masterful piece of satiricalness by Mr. Wasserman. I’m sure the hierarchy at Bank of Domination and the Museum of Forgotten Art are just thrilled with it.

  2. Mike Benedict

    Dan, what did you think about this reported question from Sean Murphy to Sheriff James DiPaola regarding his pension double-dip:

    Globe reporter Sean Murphy my first reaction was to defend the law. Sean made a statement to me which really hit home. He said, “You know Sheriff if you do this it will be your legacy and not any good you have done.’’

    If DiPaola is recalling the question accurately, it seems to me that Murphy stepped over a reporter’s line. The reported wording is leading and it’s more of a judgment than a question. A better wording would have been: “What do you think simultaneously accepting the pension and the salary will do to your legacy?”

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Mike: I look at it as part of the journalistic sausage-making. He’s trying to play on DiPaola’s emotions in an attempt to solicit an interesting response. I think you’d be surprised at what print reporters, especially (since their questions do not usually find their way into the paper), ask every day.

  3. Aaron Read

    @Dan: So when exactly did you stop beating your wife? 🙂

  4. Mike Benedict

    @Dan: Surprised? No … but definitely discouraged. Consider the typical question at a Patriots post-game press conference:

    “Coach, Tom Brady.”

    No wonder Belichick disdains most media.

  5. Mike Benedict

    As long as I’m dissing the Sunday Globe, better make room for this.

    Jeff Jacoby — everyone’s favorite punching bag, based on the unanimity of letters this week — complains that airline security today has led to “groin gropes, naked X-rays, and ‘security’ procedures that irritate everyone while keeping nobody safe.”

    Ignoring, as Jacoby does, that no one on an American flight has died due to a terrorist action since September 2001, let’s rewind to June 20, 2002, when the smoke from the WTC site was still smoldering. Here’s two key grafs written that day by the same Jeff Jacoby:

    “Once I was kept standing at the Jetway door for more than 15 minutes because the screener didn’t have an electronic wand and had to wait for someone to bring one to her. I stood there making polite small talk until the wand arrived and I could be scanned. I’m sure a real terrorist, one with a weapon hidden under his clothes, would have done the same. …

    “[S]ome discomfort is a price worth paying to prevent another Sept. 11. Isn’t it?”

    So frisking in 2002, OK. Frisking in 2010, not OK. Got it.

    Another hilarity: In calling El Al — an invasive, passenger unfriendly airline if ever there were one — “widely considered the finest aviation security system in the world,” the hyperlink is to one of his own columns from Aug. 23, 2006, in which he says precisely the same thing.

    Of course, terrorists don’t need to bomb El Al; it’s much easier to blow up Israel’s markets and buildings, something they do with regularity.

    Moreover, Jacoby’s 2006 column then hyperlinks to an August 2002 CBS story (I suppose they sometimes are reliable, huh?) that states the Israeli air security is run by that country’s secret service.

    Back to yesterday’s piece (btw, do you suppose the Globe OK’d the complete reprint of it by the Jewish World Review? Jacoby writes, “The federalization of airline security after 9/11 was a grave mistake. Instead of creating a vast new bureaucracy, Congress should have made the airlines themselves primarily responsible for guaranteeing their customers’ safety, with clear legal liability if they failed.”

    So which is it, JJ? Government-run good, or government-run bad?

    Again, Jacoby can’t see the forest for the trees. Anything Israel does is wise, anything the US does is not, even if it’s shades of the same thing. It’s offensive and tiresome, not to mention patently wrong.

  6. Peter Sullivan


    Way to hijack a post about an editorial cartoon and rant about the Globe in general. Sounds like someone needs his own blog!!!!!

  7. Mike Benedict

    Thanks Peter.

  8. Mike Rice

    Also, I always enjoy witnessing the work of Boston Herald cartoonist Jerry Holbert. The guy’s hilarious.

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