By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Merry Christmas, Charlie Baker

The Boston Globe reports today that state Treasurer Tim Cahill may spend close to $1 million on private lawyers to defend himself and an associate against charges alleging favoritism at the Lottery. Yet the conflict of interest that kept Attorney General Martha Coakley from taking the case at a much lower cost no longer exists.

The story, by Frank Phillips and my Northeastern University colleague Walter Robinson, takes some pains to play down the charges themselves. But this is very bad news for Cahill, who’s running for governor next year as an independent.

It’s also bad news for Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick, whose best insurance for re-election is a strong enough Cahill candidacy to split the anti-Patrick vote with Republican challenger Charlie Baker.

Further thoughts from the Outraged Liberal.

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  1. Harrybosch

    Apparently, it’s Scott Harshbarger’s world.

    We just live in it.

  2. Newshound

    With the exception of $1 million outflow from the treasury, putting Patrick and Cahill at a disadvantage may be very good news for the Commonwealth.

    Maybe this should be Merry Christmas, Massachusetts.

  3. lkcape

    You’re surprised, Dan, that entrenched politicians engage in favoritism and nest feathering?

    You voted for them….again and again and again and again.

    Suck it up and admit that the professional politician is perhaps not the best for the body politic, and you and the liberal MA voter may have a role in the problem.

    Conservative professional politicians have the same problem, so please don’t divert this into an liberal vs conservative discussion.

    It’s a human nature issue that needs an effective mechanism for the check-and-balance.

    A one-party state is not the answer.

  4. Peter Porcupine

    DK – Gov.-to-Be Mihos, who will scoop the Lunchpail Democrats who might have voted for Cahill, will remember this as a turning point in his campaign.

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Peter Porcupine: Gee, I forgot all about Christy. Well, first he’s got to get past Baker. We’ll see.

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