By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Media Nation heads for the Merrimack Valley

I’ll be speaking later today at a conference of the Northeast Massachusetts Regional Library System, which Mrs. Media Nation reliably informs me is pronounced NIM-rils. The event is being held at Nevins Memorial Library in Methuen.

My topic will be a familiar one — reinventing journalism in the post-newspaper age — but I hope to add a few wrinkles to it based on some recent developments at the Boston Globe, and on the time I’ve been spending with the folks from the New Haven Independent.

I’ve posted the slideshow I’ll be using. For some reason, a few odd breaks crept in when it was converted from PowerPoint to SlideShare. But you’ll get the idea.

Tomorrow I head back to the Merrimack Valley for a panel discussion on how blogging on newspaper Web sites has affected the news cycle — and how that can create challenges in breaking-news situations.

The panel, part of a conference being held by the New England Society of Newspaper Editors (NEZ-nee? I’ll have to get back to you on that), will be held at the Eagle-Tribune in North Andover.

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Ghostbusting the Globe’s op-ed page


  1. has embedded your slide show
    good luck with your conferences.

  2. Pop into the newsroom at The Eagle-Tribune if you get a chance.

  3. Patricia

    Also, do check out (if you haven’t already) this blog post about what happened to the Seattle P-I crew seven months out. Fascinating … and scary.

  4. In fact, Dan, if you’ve got 10 min. you can spare anytime tomorrow, would love to get you in our video studio for a short interview/discussion.

    • Dan Kennedy

      Noah: I’m going to head out to North Andover as soon as class is out. So maybe you can grab me beforehand. I’m not going to be able to stay more than a couple of minutes afterwards, unfortunately.

  5. Jerry

    Yep, its NEZ-nee. I once belonged.

  6. amusedbutinformedobserver

    If you stopped off in North Andover, I hope you asked this guy why the local Alabama Pension Fund dailies have such outdated blogs on their sites. They literally go hundreds of days without posting on some of them, although sports is generally current and Gloucester is reasonably current with its community blogs (although the editor’s blog hasn’t been updated in 187 days)

  7. Amused: I can only speak for the Eagle-Tribune blogs. There are several older inactive blogs on the site. The way we serve up the blogs is we aggregate them to a main blogs site, so if a blog is inactive, it simply doesn’t post there. We do leave inactive blogs up, but there are a few that at this point should be taken off the menu. We had a push at the end of last year and beginning of this to get staffers blogging. As is typical, some stuck, some didn’t.

    -This Guy

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