By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Getting ready for the stretch run

In Theo Epstein-like fashion, the Boston Globe is getting ready for the stretch drive by bolstering its sports staff.

Peter Abraham, who covers the (gasp!) Yankees for the Journal News, which serves the Lower Hudson Valley, is joining the Globe to cover the Red Sox for the paper and “I’m sure some of you will accuse me of being a traitor because I’ll be covering the Red Sox,” Abraham writes on his blog. Yet the comments are surprisingly kind.

And speaking of refugees from Yankee country, Matt Pepin of the Times Herald-Record [now fixed] of Middletown, N.Y., has been named the sports editor of He’ll join the staff on Oct. 5, just in time for the playoffs. Adam Reilly has the details.

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  1. Steve Stein

    As an ex-Yankee fan myself, I welcome Abraham’s contributions. I love the intensity of the Red Sox – Yankee competition on the field (though I find the fan behavior way way over the top a lot of the time).

    It’s worth noting that this regional swapping goes both ways: Suzyn Waldman, the color commentator for the Yankees, comes from Newton,MA and Simmons College.

  2. as a yankees fan, i will really REALLY miss pete. his blog is the best. great signing for the globe.

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