By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Talking about journalism and new media

Next Wednesday, Sept. 16, I’ll be moderating an all-star panel on journalism, blogging and social media. Titled “Are Blogs and Twitter Improving the Dissemination of Information and News?,” the panel will feature:

With that many bright minds in the room, I may have to wear shades.

The program will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Vilna Shul, located on Beacon Hill at 18 Phillips St. Please join us.

All-important food-related update: Doug Levin, who’s organizing the event, asks that you send an e-mail to doug {at} vilnashul {dot} com if you’re planning on coming so that he can order enough food. If you’re not looking to eat, you could show up at about 6:45, when the program will begin.

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So much for the Republican A-team


  1. Michael Pahre

    Answers: Yes and No.

  2. mike_b1

    Think the topic of media credentialing of bloggers will come up? If so, how have the past 12 months refined your views?

  3. Let me guess – they’ll all answer “yes”. Any other topics?

  4. I would agree: Yes and No. Sounds like a great panel!

  5. Ray Richard

    Check out social media critic Jakob Nielson’s negative view of Deval Patrick’s website.

  6. Hi Dan,

    Wish I could attend, but back in PA teaching. Ohh %3$#^!

    Any plans to video and post for us out-of-towners. Maybe Chris & Doug of NNN can tape it!

    Give my regards to Adam and have a great time.

    • Dan Kennedy

      Wish you could be there! I am not sure whether there are any plans to record it.

  7. Mike Stucka

    Ray Richard left the ‘l’ off at the end of his link:

  8. Alex Wallace

    It looks like a great lineup – I look forward to attending tomorrow’s panel.

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