The latest on the Times Co. and the Globe

New York Times Co. chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and president Janet Robinson met with employees of the Boston Globe yesterday. And it appears there is nothing new to report.

According to stories in the Times, the Globe and the Boston Herald, Sulzberger said the Globe is still for sale, though an improving financial picture means there’s no hurry.

It also sounds like folks at the Globe remain angry over the way they were treated earlier this year, when the Times Co. threatened to close the paper if the unions failed to approve $20 million in concessions.

I could go on. But you get the idea. Ralph Ranalli has more at

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4 thoughts on “The latest on the Times Co. and the Globe”

  1. Sorta like I said. The Guild should have told them to go find their lousy 10 mil elsewhere.

  2. It seems like Janet and Arthur are writing a fresh chapter on business management.

    Maybe their aim toward employees is from the Peter Drucker quote: “Never mind your happiness; do your duty.”

    1. Was it also Peter Drucker who said, “The beatings will continue until morale improves”?

  3. Maybe a Japanese submarine commander in WWII, but the line seems to fit.
    Perhaps the perfect quote to run as the Globe’s motto over the nameplate.

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