By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Edward M. Kennedy, 1932-2009

kennedy_20090826To the nation, Ted Kennedy was a symbol — an icon of progressivism or an avatar of evil. To those of us lucky to be his constituents, he was a regular guy who went about the mundane business of representing his state with diligence, seriousness and joy. Or so I argue in the Guardian, in a piece I wrote over the weekend in anticipation of this sad moment.

Kennedy was a good senator and a fine but flawed man. He has been dying for more than a year, and I’m not sure there’s a lot more to say at this point. Unlike his brothers, Ted Kennedy had the good fortune to receive all his accolades while he was still alive — including, most recently, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Although word of the senator’s death was unwelcome, it was a pleasure to see Marty Nolan’s byline gracing the front of the Boston Globe today.

A minor aside: I wonder if WBZ-TV (Channel 4) will go ahead with its Boston mayoral debate, currently scheduled for today at 7 p.m.? Not only would no one be watching, but I can’t imagine WBZ wants to hold moderator Jon Keller out of its Kennedy coverage.

Note: This item has been corrected.

Update: The mayoral debate has been postponed, according to a statement by WBZ spokeswoman Ro Dooley-Webster. She writes: “Jon Keller is in touch with the campaigns, and they are working to find a date when the debate can be rescheduled.”

Update II: The debate will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 7 to 8 p.m. on WBZ-TV (Channel 4) and WBZ Radio (AM 1030).

Photo taken from Kennedy’s Senate Web site,

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Caught flat-footed


  1. fbteditor

    This is the sort of important new story that requires grabbing the print versions of the Globe and Herald. I can read about Kennedy’s passing online but transcending events requires taking your time over a spread out newspaper.
    What know one is talking about but everyone is thinking: who’ll take the Kennedy seat? My money is on Stevie Lynch just via labor supporting one of their own in the coming election sprint.

  2. Neil

    And now, your moment of zen

    Lynch is pretty conservative. He’s the only MA Congressmen on the fence about the Public Option.

    I’d put my money on Jim McGovern or Barney Frank, that is if they have any in their campaign accounts.

  3. Jon Keller

    Dan….thanks for your interest, the mayoral debate will now take place next Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 7-8pm live on WBZ-TV and WBZ Newsradio 1030. God Bless Ted Kennedy.

  4. Al

    an interesting aspect of the special election that will be held is if any congressman wants to run, they won’t risk giving up their seat since, if they lose, they can just run for re-election afterward. I think Mike Capuano, Martha Coakley and Steve Lynch are the most-likely. I wonder which Republicans will run since Charlie Baker is already committed to a gubernatorial campaign. Bruce Tarr, maybe?

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