By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Walter Cronkite, 1916-2009

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The pioneering anchorman has died at the age of 92.

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  1. Nancy

    A reporter's reporter with heart too. I remember watching an interview with him when he recalled what a struggle it was to keep from leaping into the dock and killing the defendents when he was covering the Nuremerg trials. He was a mensch.

  2. Dunwich

    Walter almost made it to his moon landing call anniversary. Forty Years, wow! Great broadcaster and he had the good sense not to extend his career when he likely could have. Just finished Eli Wallach's autobio' and was surprised to find that Walter was into acting at UT-Austin with Eli and John Connally.

  3. LFNeilson

    Very sad to lose such a giant. His death, though, shines a light on what he did so well — good reporting. There could be no greater memorial than for all of us to report the news accurately and impartially.

  4. Steve Brown

    For most of us in broadcasting of a certain age, Walter Cronkite was the gold standard, and the role model we all aspired to be like.

  5. Don, American

    He was a true journalist, the like of which we may never see again, and that's a shame. "And that's the way it is."

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