By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

More on the Newton North controversy

Newton blogger Chuck Tanowitz shares some thoughts on the battle between city officials and the Newton Tab over access to the Newton North construction site.

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  1. Treg

    Does the Globe have someone on this? They've been on the Newton North story in the past.Great headline stuff here.

  2. O-FISH-L

    When this behemoth is finished, are both Newton North and Newton South still going to coexist? If so, that's outrageous. Part of the deal to receive state reimbursement should have been to merge the two schools. One principal, one AD, one set of guidance counselors, department heads, coaches, custodians etc. This expensive new HS construction, while failing to merge, has happened in Quincy and perhaps elsewhere too. With most kids being bussed, dropped off or driving themselves, the days of neighborhood high schools should be a thing of the past. It's not just the construction costs, but the ongoing payroll that will bankrupt the masses.

  3. gspector

    O-Fish:Newton has about 3,600 kids in its high schools and not enough space to build that large a high school, even if residents wanted to.Gail SpectorEditor, Newton TAB

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