By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

More on the Phoenix cuts

I had not realized until yesterday that the two Boston Phoenix editorial staff members who’d lost their jobs were senior managing editor Clif Garboden and theater critic Carolyn Clay. The Boston Globe reports on their departures today.

Clif and Carolyn are among the most senior members of the Phoenix staff, valued colleagues and respected by everyone. The Phoenix is not going to be the same without them. Unfortunately, this stands as further evidence of just how desperate the state of the newspaper business is these days.

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  1. Ron Newman

    Clif Garboden? Hasn’t he been around forever, since it was the Cambridge Phoenix or Boston After Dark? I still miss his “Hot Dots” column.

  2. Esther

    Wow, that is sad. Hot Dots was always one of my favorite parts of the Phoenix. It does seem like arts critics – movies, tv, theater, are increasingly getting the ax. It’s especially unfortunate for theater because unlike movies or tv, it’s local.

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