By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

The Globe’s oddly timed ad campaign

So much for a decent interval. Just hours after the Boston Globe blew out its front page with the news that the New York Times Co. will shut the paper down if it can’t come up with $20 million in savings, the Globe has unveiled a print and television promotional campaign built around the theme of “One Story.”

A source passes this along, from the Globe’s internal Web site:

Globe launches new brand campaign

On Sunday the Globe will launch a new brand campaign that reinforces the value of the Globe’s journalism among our core readers. A TV commercial showcases the Globe’s award-winning photography while focusing on the compelling stories found in the Globe. The spots (60 sec. & 30 sec.) will initially run on NESN during the highly rated Red Sox games. More than 24 print ads were created to run in the Globe and Metro. On-line ads will run on The campaign also has a Web page with all the creative where readers or advertisers can find more information. The entire campaign was conceived and executed internally by our marketing and creative services teams.

Globe executives have got to keep moving forward, so in principle I’ve got no problem with this. But the timing is exceedingly odd, given the very public face-off now taking place between management and the unions.

Even better, the Globe has posted an angry story about reaction to the Times Co.’s ultimatum. One Story, you might say.

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If the title fits


John Ellis predicts bankruptcy for the Globe


  1. NewsHound

    Shooting yourself in the foot is not the way to preserve dignity.

  2. Southie

    The Globe owns at least a part of everyone of those properties, they are basically saying we are running a lot of house ads these days!!!!Nothing new and hardly newsworthy….

  3. NewsHound

    This enthusiasm should help.

  4. krembo

    Perhaps they should be called “house of cards” ads?

  5. Peter Porcupine

    DK – how much does a 60 second spot on NECN during a ball game cost, exactly? And can we have phone banks at like at WGBH, or a week-long auction of Globe souveniers? Vennochi’s mousepad, Barnicle’s resignation letter(s)?This is the best media campaign since Deval’s radio spots interviewing himself, with a business leader trying to squeeze a word in edgewise, about why Mass. was a SWELL place not to abandon quickly!

  6. Southie

    The ads will most likely be free or trade for ads in the Globe, a common proactice among jointly owned properties. This campaign will not cost the Globe a penny, and it’s NESN Porcupine not NECN.

  7. Lauren

    Every time I see this ad during a baseball game all I can hear is the Globe begging for its life.

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