By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Boston Globe threatened with closure

WBUR Radio’s Web site is breaking a story that I’ve been hearing in bits and pieces since mid-afternoon. All that’s there right now is a headline: “New York Times Co. Threatens To Close Boston Globe.”

I’ve heard more, but given that I’ve only talked with two people about it, I think it would be wiser just to let this develop. We’ll all know more soon enough.

Soon enough comes five minutes later: Adam Reilly appears to have broken the story, and he has more details. Those details are in alignment with what I’ve heard: $20 million in union concessions within 30 days, with possible cuts to pension contributions and the end of lifetime contracts.

I am told the Times Co. is serious as a heart attack regarding its threat to close the paper.

Update No. 2: In reading the chatter on Twitter, I now think ‘BUR broke the story, and Reilly quickly followed with details that he already had accumulated.

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HuffPo finesses the revenuers


One more quick thought on the Globe


  1. O-FISH-L

    I stopped into the Eire Pub at lunch yesterday for a pastrami sandwich and a pint. A few forlorn Globe employees were trickling in lamenting the call for pay cuts and the threat to end all support from the NY Times. The bartenders seemed already aware of the situation and tried to offer a sympathetic ear. I came home and saw nothing here or on Adam Reilly’s blog and figured they must have just been rehashing last week’s cuts. Wow, was I wrong. As one of the older Globe guys said, “It used to be a great job but not anymore.” Good luck to all of those affected.

  2. Robin Edgar

    “The bartenders seemed already aware of the situation and tried to offer a sympathetic ear.”A sympathetic beer or two might have been more appropriate for Boston Globe employees wanting to drown their sorrows. . .

  3. O-FISH-L

    Robin, that too. I just assumed a beer or two (or ten) at the Eire was a given.

  4. Robin Edgar

    I was talking about beers on the house aka free beer. I can see one or two free beers being offered on the house but ten?

  5. O-FISH-L

    Robin, I’m sure if the Globe actually goes down in flames, the beer and more will be flowing that night. This is still pretty preliminary.

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