By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Layoffs hit the Globe

I’m on deadline for The Guardian, so I will defer to Adam Reilly on the Boston Globe layoff story. He’s got the latest — including comments from a mighty unhappy-sounding Michele McDonald, an outstanding photographer whose job was eliminated because she’s a part-timer.

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  1. Rick in Duxbury

    With all due respect Dan, remind me why Journalism should be a major unto itself? Didn’t papers hire English/PoliSci/Econ majors back in the day? Given the employment prospects, what do you tell entering N.U. freshmen about the utility of the next 4(5?) years they are investing?

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Rick: To this day, only about half of journalists went to journalism school. It’s a good, solid liberal-arts major. Many of our students go into public relations (formally part of our School of Journalism). Quite a few go to law school. And some go into journalism. The best and hardest-working will find a way.

  3. Prospecticus

    WJAR/TV announced 10 personnel leaving tonight, including their lead weather guy. Beat goes on.

  4. Tony

    If I may say so, I’m an award-winning journalist and radio broadcaster and I didn’t go to J-school … hah! I tell everyone – don’t go to J-school. Go to college if you like. Learn the English language. Learn to write. And then, get out there and live life and learn about others in the real world. After that, you’ll be ready to tell their stories …

  5. LFNeilson

    Rick,Whatever the medium, the country still needs and always will need people who can investigate, report and write clearly. What’s any other career-oriented program going to tell prospective students? Give up, throw in the towel, don’t come here? Better to go to a two-year school for some technology that will be obsolete before the ink is dry on your certificate?zzzzzzz

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