By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Nice guys finish first

Paul Levy, president and CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, is one of the Boston area’s great managers and leaders of the past generation. So I’m not surprised — as Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen reports — that he earned a standing ovation when he suggested that high-paid people at the hospital sacrifice in order to save low-paid jobs.

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  1. Brian Flaherty

    Wish Deval Patrick did the same thing. But, he just have Marian Walsh a $175,000 hack job

  2. O-FISH-L

    Growing up in Quincy in the 80’s, when tampons, syringes and diapers were the more pleasant of floatables at the beach, I supported Republican Mayor Frank McCauley’s lawsuit against the MDC. The suit would eventually lead to the creation of the MWRA and the clean-up of the harbor.I can recall a young MWRA Executive Director Paul Levy being a target of ridicule, sitting through community meetings as rates rose through the roof and the Quincy shipyard was designated as the site of the NIMBY sludge-to-fertilizer plant, still running flawlessly today.While I guess that Levy and I don’t agree on everything politically, I tip my cap to him for enduring what he did in those days, at a time when he needed a police escort to his car as people threatened his life. I saw Paul with a Beth Israel group at a Red Sox game last year and I wanted to introduce myself and thank him, then Maria Stephanos walked by and I got distracted. Paul, thank you for our pristine harbor and our wonderful neighbor at the shipyard that nobody even realizes is a sludge plant. Consider putting your name on the ballot, sir.

  3. Paul Levy

    Thanks very much, O-FISH-L.And thanks to you, Dan, too, but what do you mean by the “past generation”?

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Paul: Hah! Brain cramp.

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