By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Five more for NewsTrust’s journalism hunt

Here are five more pieces about journalism that I’ve posted to NewsTrust.

Again, I invite you to register with NewsTrust, review stories and submit some that you find as well.

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Time is not predicting the Globe’s demise


Whole Foods in a time of recession


  1. cavard

    I HIGHLY recommend Amanda Michel’s piece. That was a good one. Disclaimer: I was also a contributor to OTB 🙂 🙂 But still… it was a really good piece.

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Cavard: Well, I don’t think you’re going to like what I said.

  3. cavard

    No no.. it’s fine. OTB’s not perfect. You made some good observations. Maybe it would help if someone not associated with OTB and has a citizen journo background of sorts covered OTB (I think that’s what you’re implying, right? I agree). But I also think there’s some great aspects that came out of OTB as well. Amanda highlighted them. I guess that was where I’m coming from.

  4. Bill H.

    If Mayhill Fowler’s “Bittergate” wasn’t “scoop journalism,” what was it? It certainly seems to have all the necessary elements, including the obligatory “-gate” at the end. Looks like the usual “gotcha journalism” to me.

  5. Miller

    I’m with, and online magazine funded in part by the Miller-McCune Center for Research, Media and Public Policy. Our editor-in-chief, John Mecklin, has a good piece about “computational journalism” on our site: Here’s a paragraph from it:”Now, though, the digital revolution that has been undermining in-depth reportage may be ready to give something back, through a new academic and professional discipline known in some quarters as “computational journalism.” James Hamilton is director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy at Duke University and one of the leaders in the emergent field; just now, he’s in the process of filling an endowed chair with a professor who will develop sophisticated computing tools that enhance the capabilities — and, perhaps more important in this economic climate, the efficiency — of journalists and other citizens who are trying to hold public officials and institutions accountable.”Please visit the website to read it, and feel free to link to it.Miller-McCune is a magazine where journalists write about academic studies. We cover all topics, from politics to the environment and culture.

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