By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Heavy metal for the Phoenix’s Bernstein

I am going to start demanding more respect now that I can truthfully claim to have once worked with the New England Press Association‘s “Journalist of the Year.”

Congratulations to Boston Phoenix reporter David Bernstein, who also picked up first-place awards in investigative reporting and for his political column, the Phoenix’s venerable “Talking Politics” feature. In particular, Bernstein was singled out for his in-depth investigation into the wrongful conviction of Stephan Cowans, published almost exactly one year ago.

Plenty of other friends from the Phoenix were honored at NEPA last weekend as well. Here is the announcement.

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  1. NewsHound

    Congratulations to David Bernstein. And, both of you certainly have my respect for your values and extraordinary contributions to journalism.

  2. Tony

    Agreed, a deserved honor, for sure.

  3. mike_b1

    Where’s the full list of winners? The NEPA site blows.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Mike: There’s a PDF on the NEPA home page.

  5. Rachel

    Well done to David Bernstein. I admire his writing tremendously. Does that mean I can claim a two-degrees of separation connection in that I once interned at the Phoenix (well before Bernstein’s time)!?

  6. Newspaper Multimedia

    Yes the Phoenix is a great paper but so is the Cape Ann Beacon which did quite well against them at NEPA. This was The Beacon’s first year at NEPA and they got three first place awards, video, pictorial photo and front page and a 2nd as well on business reporting. Congrats to both papers.

  7. Andy

    I remember reading Bernstein’s award-winning story during a lunch break at last year’s NEPA awards. I was blown away. Bernstein is one of the best, maybe the best, investigative journalists in Boston.

  8. Nial Liszt

    Funny that the name of Ralph Martin does not appear anywhere in the Phoenix story. One of three instances during his term as DA where a man was exonerated after a wrongful murder conviction. Probably will be explained when an endorsement is made in a potentially very crowded mayoral field.

  9. Dan Kennedy

    Nial: The chance that the Phoenix will ever endorse Ralph Martin for anything is slightly greater than the Globe endorsing Sarah Palin, but not by much. I know whereof I write.

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